Film: Bedknobs And Broomsticks (Cert PG)

Saturday 19th November at 11.00am

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As a fitting tribute to the Late Great DAME ANGELA LANSBURY DBE we are honoured to be screening this magnificent Family Classic BEDKNOBS AND BROOMSTICKS (CERT PG) on the Giant Silver Screen where it truly belongs.

During WWII in England, Charlie, Carrie, and Paul Rawlins are sent to live with Eglantine Price. who it turns out is an apprentice witch. Charlie blackmails Miss Price that if he is to keep her practices secret, she must give him something, so she takes a bed knob from her late father’s bed and places the “famous magic travelling spell” on it, and only Paul can activate it.

Their first journey is to a street in London where they meet Emelius Browne, former headmaster of Miss Price’s witchcraft training correspondence school. Miss Price tells him of a plan to find the magic words for a spell known as Substitutiary Locomotion, which brings inanimate objects to life. This spell will be her work for the war effort.

Organist on The Mighty Compton Organ: Mr Michael Holmes

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