Restoration Update – 21.07.11
During our shut down for the major Phase 1 works of our restoration including the replacements of our boiler system the Plaza went for a sustained period of temperture drop which in turn effected the bonding of the ornate plaster in the auditorium to the walls resulting in cracks appearing and small sections dislodging.
Through support and fundraisisng undertaken by our dedicated volunteer team the Stockport Plaza Trust were able to take the decision to remove the areas of plaster work effected and restore these using experts in their field whilst also repairing sections that had been damaged through wear and tear including a section of proscenium arch.
Alongside the decision to repair the plaster works we were able to restore a section of damaged wall that had been entombed through water damage many decades ago therefore with repair works undertaken and internal guttering removed we have been able to reinstate the symmetry of the Stalls seating area.
With scaffold in the circle and balcony completing to assist the completion of task, the aim will be for repair works to the plaster, replacement of missing ornamental features and redecorating in the styish gold and silver to be completed in time for our heritage open days in September.

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