Restoration Update – 17.12.09
With a crescendo from the Compton Organ and a fanfare from the Plaza Orchestra the newly restored Stockport Plaza Super Cinema and Variety Theatre in a glow of changing lights glowing a rainbow of colours around the auditorium and lighting up the exterior of the Plaza, threw open her doors and welcomed her first audience in to see a Cine Variety Gala show on the 11th December.
The restoration of this art deco gem has been a labour of love for all concerned and the finalisation of a dream held by a group of enthusiasts 10 years ago who refused to see the demise of one the United Kingdom’s greatest architectural icons from the glamorous 1930’s.
Though our hard work is not completed and there is still fundraising to do for the ongoing maintenance and restoration appeal for areas of the Plaza generally unseen by the general public, our guests today are stepping into a sumptuous enclave dedicated to the glamour of an era gone but now alive again and showing us the secrets of the past.
This section of our web site has taken you on a journey from the first day after our closure through the removal of the fixtures and fittings that had masked and hidden the beauty of this prestigious venue, through the trials and tribulations of restoring features last seen in the 1930’s through to the magnificent venue that echoes today to the screams of delight of a 1000 children watching this year’s pantomime Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
A selection of photographs of the Plaza will be listed in due course showing you the newly restored venue however for the best impression of the completed works, join us on one of our venue tours, visit us for one of the many shows and cinema screenings in the near future or visit our Cafe Lounge reopened on the first floor for the very best of yesterday located in a venue which celebrates the very best of today.
The Stockport Plaza is a vision of art deco perfection nestling in the gateway of Stockport and the Peak District and is a blazing example of what can be achieved by a dedicated team of people who believe in making dreams come true….

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