Restoration Update – 11.05.09

With the removal of all the fixtures and fittings that have been added in the decades since the Plaza was first opened we’re now getting to grips with the preparation works of restoration and also creating the new lower level ‘Patrons Bar’ which will named in honour of our illustrious patrons who support the Plaza.

Remote controlled diggers work around the clock removing the tons of sandstone the Plaza is built on to create the space that will accommodate the new Stalls toilets, Patrons Bar and Gallery which will be an intimate gallery space leading from the bar for displays by local artists along with a new corridor that will grant access to both sides of the Stalls seating area and of course to the Patrons Bar..

The Lounge Bar on the first floor is coming along apace with the original bar storage rooms gone to make way for our new industrial kitchen which will enable us to open daily from Monday to Saturday and prior to shows for light snacks and lunches and also to cater for any private bookings, wedding receptions, birthday parties or corporate events.

As with all projects as the works progress we discover areas that require unplanned attention such as some areas of plaster work in the Lounge ceiling and also on the staircases throughout the Plaza therefore these have been removed where necessary ready for replacement and restoration.

The original kitchens have been removed to make way for our new administration office and the restoration of the original usherettes corridor which originally enabled staff to reach both sides of the circle without interrupting customers has been reopened during which we unearthed the original cloakroom door, which though not to be reinstated was a great find!










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