Huzzah the Interval is over!
Nigel Anderton, Chairman of the Stockport Plaza Trust joined General Manager Ted Doan and the team to welcome back guests as after 504 days since The Plaza closed at the very beginning of Lockdown, the interval was finally over and the doors could re-open for our very first event today.
Welcoming back our wonderful team and our magnificent patrons truly was an emotional moment for everyone and we really must send out a heartfelt THANKYOU to everyone that has supported us during closure in every way from being so undertstanding when events had to move, to making kind financial donations to our Maintenance and Restoration Appeal and by simply sending messages of support as we patiently waited for the interval to end, the curtains to rise and the shows to go on …
It is sensational to back and we look forward to welcoming you back to Stockports Art Deco gem in what we hope is the very near future 🙂

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