Art Deco styled carpet graces Patrons Lounge Floors

In 2009 with the creation of the new ‘Patrons Lounge Bar’ named in honour of our esteemed Patrons who have supported The Plaza since she was saved in 2000 a new styled ‘brown swirl’ carpet was fitted but as with all carpets in busy environments they have a life span and this industrial carpet that had served us so well was due for replacement.

With investigation into new styles and designs for the carpet of our lower ground floor bar that would complement Stockports Art Deco 1932 Super Cinema and Variety Theatre, the final choice selected by The Plaza and supplied by Bramley Carpets was a beautiful ‘Deco’ design in Teal which has created a beautful addition to the recently redecorated locale and gallery walkway with an adaptation of the existing counter for improved guest service when required.

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