Restoration Update – 17.07.14
2014 will be a historical year to remember at The Plaza Super Cinema and Variety Theatre with the reinstallation of replica seating which will be an exact match of those in situe on opening night – October 7th 1932.
Through the generosity and support of our Patrons we have the funds in place to replace our entire existing seating stock along with replica carpets to help us head towards the full restoration of our auditorium.
Gary Trinder our Vice Chairman and Technical Director has been working closely with heritage seating specialists Kirwin and Simpson who were founded in 1945 to recreate the stansions from original photographs from the Plaza along with catalogue pictures from the 1930’s of the ‘Adelphi’ Range of Cinema seating which was installed when we opened.
The swabs for the seats with their ply bases which are sanded and stained to recreate the deep sumptious hue colouring of our original seats are fitted with the highest quality of seating infill clad in antique gold and deep blue moquette cladding.
There are a variety of styles of seating that will mirror the original formats with non armed seating at the front stalls, wooden and upholstered armed seating within the auditorium and in the circle seats with wing backs and corded detailing.
The stansions for our seating are a pure work of art, with moulds creted by Kirwin and Simpson and then cast in temperatures of up to 1400 degrees centigrade by J.J.Siddons of West Bromich, casting specialists who have been trading for over 160 years.
With our existing seating stock currently up for sale to assist in our ongoing Maintenance and Restoration Appeal, contact Ted Doan for details on 0161 480 3818 or email –, the works to install our new seating commence on Monday 10th August with completion scheduled for our Gala Opening 20th Birthday screening of ‘The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert’

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