WWII Evacuees retake residence backstage in The Plaza

As we head towards our exciting ‘Anything Goes; Putting on the 30’s at The Plaza’ art deco weekend here at The Plaza Super Cinema and Variety Theatre, there has been a flurry of interior design taking place in two of our backstage dressing rooms with the cream painted walls being bedecked with vintage style wallpaper that is evocative of the war years.



Part of our FREE to attend tours on Saturday 6th June at 10.30am, 12.30pm and 2.30pm will be a ‘Backstage Experience’ offering you the chance to visit our themed dressing rooms featuring a dressing room of Plaza film and theatre starlettes preparing for their first night performance, our pantomime costume wonderland and two dressing rooms converted into a vintage bedroom and sitting room.

Though it may seem rather peculiar to have a sitting room and bedroom backstage in The Plaza, this is exactly what happened during the Second World War when the home of one of our war time Plaza Directors, Mr A E Wright, took a direct hit during the atrocities and resulted in Mr Wright having to find alternative accomodation for himself his wife and daughter.

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As The Plaza was advertised during the war as the safest Super Cinema and Variety Theatre due to being built into the cliff with the backstage areas actually built underground, our magnificent venue became the perfect home for the evacuated family who took up residence and this will be your chance to visit the family in the new war time home.

No pre booking is required for our FREE to attend tours, simply turn up on Saturday and enjoy a pure ART DECO experience.


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