Stop Press News!…Free to attend EDDIE CANTOR talk added to line of events on ANYTHING GOES: PUTTING ON THE 30s AT THE PLAZA – ART DECO WEEKEND
Stop Press News!…..As an added extra special to our forthcoming ANYTHING GOES: PUTTING ON THE 30s AT THE PLAZA art deco celebration weekend we are delighted to announce an extra FREE TO ATTEND event on Saturday 6th June at 6.15pm in the sumptuous surroundings of our Cafe Restaurant.
David Blake, a member of the Directorate of The Stockport Plaza Trust will be hosting a fascinating talk about the magnificent star EDDIE CANTOR who stars in the feature film which is part of Cine Variety presentation which includes the Palm Court Dance Orchestra featuring Sue Parish – ROMAN SCANDALS (Cert PG), the 1933 release that is one of the great feature length epics of the period.
Eddie Cantor could be considered one of the first great multi media stars with a career in all forms of entertainment which after one of his earliest paying jobs doubling as a waiter and performer, singing for tips at Carey Walsh’s Coney Islan saloon, where a young Jimmy Dirante accompanied him on piano, saw him as a star of Cinema, Radio and Television
The talk takes place at 6.15pm in our Cafe Restaurant and is a FREE TO ATTEND event and admission tickets which are limited can be obtained from our Cafe Restaurant, Central Box Office team here at The Plaza or by calling our Admin line on 0161 480 3818.

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