Restoration Update – 07.05.18
With the planned restoration and refurbishment of the Rock Row building on Mersey Square in the centre of Stockport where The Plaza has had a shop unit trading as our Box Office for a number of years, plans became neccessary to find a new location for our booking service for guests who wished to book for events in person over the counter.
Following various investigated options in external locations the decision was taken that our Box Office counter service would be brought back into The Plaza and alongside the Main Foyer pay booth which is an exact replica of the original 1932 Pay Box we would from hence forth be able to offer the service that all bookings could taken throughout the day within the venue.
Though space is at a premium within the venue the perfect location was created within The Patrons Lounge on the lower ground floor with the utilisation of a styled counter that pays homage to the original counters within the venue on our opening day and The Plaza team set about not only creating a perfect location for bookings but have created a display cabinet of all the items found within the venue during restoration works in particular with the reinstatement of the Circle and also displayed wonderful images taken from photographes taken on our opening day of October 7th 1932.

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