Mural restoration works commence to bring our auditorium closer to her 1932 opening day glory
When our doors first opened on October 7th 1932, our auditorium was a majestic palace of style and glamour befitting the big screen and variety theatre events which graced our stage and as our first guests enjoyed the magnificent soaring architecture, sumptuous seating and beautiful lighting effects they would have enjoyed beautiful murals depicting musical instruments which graced the framed plaster above the double doors at the front of our Stalls seating.
As the years progressed these murals dissapeared as the decor changed during the 5 times the auditorium was painted and during our Mecca Bingo years when large signage was erected on the plaster this meant that all traces of these beautiful works of art were lost forever.
Our latest restoration project supported by our wonderful supporters The Friends of The Plaza who have very generously funded the works will restore the artistic depictions of hand held musical instruments which include cymbals, tamborines, wind and various string instruments in artistic clusters.
Following plaster repairs by our plaster specialists Ornamental Interiors, local artist Brigid Brind who has been commissioned to undertake these intricate designs has commenced the preperation for the artwork, whilst Paul Hartley from the Heritage and Conservation Department at SMBC, Architect David Watkins alongside Ian Hodgkiss who is the Chairman of The Plaza Friends, fellow Directors David Blake and Mel Spooner and our General Manager Ted Doan have all been on hand to assist and scrutinise our limited original records and artwork to ensure that we have perfectly restored murals that will grace our auditorium for many generations to come.
Our aim is that these magnificent artistic works will be completed within the next couple of months so that another part of the ongoing Plaza maintenance and restoration project will be completed and will enable us to enjoy our auditorium just as it was on our opening day.

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