Gracias for joining our Carnival!
Ola and Gracias to everyone who joined us for latest sell out success EVERYTHING STOPS FOR CARNIVAL TEA.
An especial thank you needs to be made to Matthew and Joseph who are 52ND STREET JAM who entertained our wonderful audience whilst thanks must also be forwarded to Ian Gough who later in proceedings entertained all of our guests on the piano.
Teddie our General Managers cousin Eduardo Ramerez who came all the way from Rio (its him really in a daft constume) and his salsa partner Consuela Conchitta (our Technical Manager Rosie) were their usual subtle and understated selves!!
Our magnificent Plazarettes organised by the Marvelous Everlyn created a sumptuous feast for everyone who attended so a resounding HUZZAH and Thank you Team for another sell out smash with all proceeds going to the ongoing Maintenance and Restoration Appeal at The Plaza

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